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Sunday 30 March 2008

Robocode 1.6 explained

To those of you that wants to learn more about what is really new in Robocode 1.6, and what is in the pipeline for Robocode, you should read Pavel Savaras' article "Robocode 1.6 explained".

Pavel Savara has joined in with the development of Robocode with the goal of creating a .Net version of Robocode. Actually, in the future it should be possible to run battles between Java and .Net robots simultaneously!

Please welcome Pavel as new developer to Robocode. He has really done a tremendous job with the new robot interfaces in Robocode 1.6, and also fixing all obstacles in Robocode to allow a .Net implementation on top of Robocode!

Did you try the Robocode 1.6 Beta? If not, don't hesitate with testing all your existing robots on this new version all supply us with feedback about issues while Robocode 1.6 is still in Beta (download).

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