Build the best - destroy the rest!

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Robocode 1.5.3 released


- Some of the mnemonics on the menus on the Help menu did not work correctly.

- NullPointerException occurred when clicking a robot button on the right side of the battle view, when no battle was running.


- All functions key shortcuts have been replaced to comply with OSes where the function keys (F1 - F12) are not available or have a specific purpose, and thus should not be overridden.
-- The F5 shortcut key for refreshing the list of available robots in the New Battle, Robot Packager, Robot Extractor, and Team Creator window has been changed to 'modifier key' + R, i.e. Ctrl+R on Windows and Linux, and Command+R for Mac OS.
-- The F6 shortcut key for 'Compile' has been changed to 'modifier key' + B, i.e. Ctrl+B on Windows and Linux, and Command+B for Mac OS.
-- The F3 shortcut key for 'Find Next' has been changed to 'modifier key' + G, i.e. Ctrl+G on Windows and Linux, and Command+G for Mac OS.

- When a robot or team is being packaged an UUID is now put in the .properties and/or .team files in the newly generated robot or team archive file (.jar file).
-- The UUID is a unique identifier for the robot or team, which is generated every time a robot or team package is being created or overwritten.
-- This feature has been made in advantage to support coming features provided in Robocode Repository, which is currently being updated.

Download: here

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