Build the best - destroy the rest!

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Robocode: 1.5.1 fixes a security issue

- Fixed security flaw with the Event Dispatch Thread, where robots could use the SwingUtilities.invokeLater() for running any code they should like to.
- Thanks goes to John Cleland who reported this security flaw and provided some very good examples of robot that could do some nasty cheats.

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Robocode 1.5 has been released

Compared to the 1.5 Beta, the following was added.

New features:
- Added the Robot Cache Cleaner tool created by Aaron Rotenberg (aka AaronR).
- Used for cleaning the cache files for the robots, which is very useful with the RoboRumble client, where most problems can be solved by cleaning the robot cache files.
- This tool is activation by selecting "Clean Robot Cache" in the Options menu or by running the tool from a command line (standing in the robocode home directory):

java -cp ./libs/robocode.jar;./libs/cachecleaner.jar ar.robocode.cachecleaner.CacheCleaner 

- Improved the output of the command line usage of Robocode when called from the command line with the -? or -help option.